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Welcome to Our Big Conversation, where you can find important large public consultations in York.

For other consultations please visit www.york.gov.uk/consultations.

Featured activities

  • Our Big Budget Conversation

    This stage of the Budget Consultation is now closed. Right now, our budget is near breaking point. City of York Council is one of the lowest funded unitary authorities and after a decade of cuts, we are facing a financial challenge we have never seen before, caused by factors outside our control. We must protect services that care for people while delivering the services you rely on. Over the next three years we need to make budget savings of £30m. We simply don’t...

    Closed 1 September 2024

Closed activities

  • Our Big Budget Conversation

    This stage of the Budget Consultation is now closed. Right now, our budget is near breaking point. City of York Council is one of the lowest funded unitary authorities and after a decade of cuts, we are facing a financial challenge we have never seen before, caused by factors outside our...

    Closed 1 September 2024

  • Our Big Transport Conversation

    Between November 2023 and early February 2024, we held a significant public consultation looking at 10 policies to deliver a more sustainable future for York’s transport. The consultation is now closed. We are now analysing all the on- and off-line responses and will report on our findings; a...

    Closed 4 February 2024